A Guide on where Tension Control Bolts can be used

In 2021, the global structural steel market was estimated to be worth around $113.9 billion. One key tool within the structural steel market is tension control (TC) bolts, but the question is, where can these bolts get used?

Tension control bolts are made to withstand tensile loads. This means they can withstand pulling and pressure forces in any direction.

They get used in numerous applications and structures because they're so efficient. But what projects use tension control bolts?

Here's everything you need to know about tension control bolts and how they can benefit your next project.

Where Can Tension Control Bolts Get Used?

Because tension control bolts are a big part of steel frame construction, it's important to know how they get used. Many different projects rely on tension-controlled bolts and without these bolts, they would not have structural integrity.

We have covered some of the key projects that use TC bolts below.


One of the most important projects that use tension control bolts are bridges. There are a wide variety of bridges that these bolts get used on including new road bridges, rail bridges, and footbridges.

Many of these bridges must withstand a large amount of pressure which means that they need bolts that are going to be strong enough to help support the weight.

The bolts also have to withstand a lot of strong weather conditions.

High Rise

As buildings continue to increase in size, the need for tension control bolts is more. These buildings often have more complex designs which require tension control bolts to support them properly.

Not only this but as the buildings get higher the strong winds can have an impact on them. If the right tension control bolts are not in place, then this can negatively impact the building.


Stadiums regularly hold a large number of people and more modern designs are trying to make stadiums bigger so that they can fit more people in. To ensure that these stadiums have the structural integrity that they need, tension control bolts get used.

As people move around in stadiums, this can add an increased level of pressure. However, tension control bolts provide the steel-to-steel support that is needed to withstand this pressure.

Without tension control bolts, stadiums would not be able to withhold the large of amount of people that they do.

Wind Energy

Another project that these bolts get used in is wind energy. As people are aiming to be more environmentally friendly, wind energy is becoming more popular.

These types of structures are unique, and their designs can be very specific. Tension-controlled bolts are being integrated into these structures to provide the essential integrity that they need.

Even though wind energy projects can come in different shapes and sizes, virtually all of them rely on having tension control bolts fitted.

Industrial and Commercial Transport

Many transportation projects rely on tension-controlled bolts. This includes everything from airport terminals, rail track joints, rail bridges, hangers, and certain motorway-signed structures.

While many of these forms of transport are different and they require steel-to-steel structural strength. If this structural strength is not in place, then these transportation projects could fail.

That's why it's crucial that the steel frame construction must get completed properly using TC bolts.

Pros of TC Bolts

Tension control bolts offer a wide range of benefits which is why they are commonly used. We have covered some of the top benefits below.

Easy to Install

The bolts can be installed by one person and the installation process is not complicated. As long as these bolts get fixed into the correct place, they are ready to get reviewed and used.

Smaller Diameters

Because of the high-grade steel that gets used and the increased preloads, these bolts get used to smaller diameters. This offers more flexibility when fitting them to the structure and for structural design.

Stronger Bolts

One worry with structures is that they can experience bolt relaxation, which can cause structural integrity concerns. However, tension control bolts are strong, and they can provide the structural integrity that is needed.

As long as these bolts are fitted properly at the time of tension, then torsional shear will not be induced, meaning that there is no risk of the bolts relaxing.

Where to Get Tension-Controlled Bolts

Structural projects can often seem complicated and there are lots of different aspects to remember. However, you must use the right TC bolts whenever they are required.

Otherwise, this can cause serious issues with the overall structural integrity of the project.

At Konnect Fastening Systems, we are experts in using tension control bolts.

So, if you would like to learn more about the bolts we offer, then simply contact us today.